12th International Festival of Animated Films – AniFest 2013 has just announced the call for submissions for its international animation competition.
The competition is open for animated films no longer than 60 minutes, completed after 1 January 2011. There are a total of 13 competition categories.
The twelfth annual festival – AniFest 2013 will take place from 26 April to 1 May 2013 in Teplice and Duchcov, in the Czech Republic.
AniFest 2013 International Festival of Animated Films Opens International Competition
Animated films – films with over 50% of their running time consisting of animation – are being accepted in the following competition categories:
- Statutory Competition Categories
- International Competition of Short animated Films up to 5 Minutes in Length
- International Competition of Short animated Films from 5 to 15 Minutes in Length
- International Competition of Short animated Films from 15 to 60 Minutes in Length
- International Competition of Feature-length Animated Films
- International Competition of Student Animated Films
- International Competition of Animated Television Films and Series
- International Competition of Animated Commercials and Jingles
- International Competition of Animated Music Video
- International Competition of Non-narative and Experimental Animated Videos
- Non-Statutory Competition Categories
- International Competition of Short Animated School Films of the Visegrad countries
- International Competition of Flipbooks
- International Competition of Animated Films Made by Children up to 12 years of age
- International Competition of Animated Films Made by Children from 12 to 15 years of age
The official languages of the Festival are Czech and English.
AniFest will provide, at its own expense, accommodation for one delegate (filmmaker, producer, etc…) for each film selected for the competition consisting of two nights and accreditation entitling the delegate to attend all festival events; travel expenses are up to the delegate.
A list of selected films included in the competition (statutory categories) will be published on www.anifest.cz by 31 January 2013.
Ten monetary and four non-monetary prizes will be awarded in 2013.