Urânio Em Movi(e)mento, the 1st International Uranium Film Festival is Latin America’s first film festival to highlight nuclear and radioactive issues. It is an annual event with two international competitions.
The Uranium Film Festival wants to promote, show and award prizes to short (15 – 40 min) and feature-length (41-120 min) films and videos focusing on any uranium and nuclear energy and radioactive risks issues, produced in any part of the world.
The Uranium Film Festival will be held from 21 – 28 May 2011 in the city of Rio de Janeiro and from 2 – 9 June 2011 in the city of São Paulo.
The 1st International Uranium Film Festival – Urânio Em Movi(e)mento accepts independent short films (15 – 40 min) and feature films (41 – 120 min) about the whole nuclear fuel cycle, about the dangers of radioactivity and especially about the environmental and health risks of uranium exploration, mining and processing.
The festival accepts the following formats for finalists: 35mm, 16mm, Blu-Ray, MiniDV, DVD or digital format.
The International Uranium Film Festival awards the best films addressing the nuclear issue and the radioactive risks:
- Two Jury Awards for the best short and the best feature.
- Two Audience Awards for the best short and the best feature.
Every winner gets as prize a picture made by the artist Rubens Maia of Santa Teresa. The seven member international jury is created by cinema experts, scientists, educators, journalists and activists. The final winners of the competition will be announced at the festival’s awarding ceremony.
- Films produced in any part of the world are eligible to enter.
- You may submit more than one film or documentary, but each one must be on a separate DVD and must be accompanied by its own completed submission form.
- Preview DVDs must be labelled with the film title, running time and contact information (including name, email and phone number).
- Non-Portuguese language films must be subtitled in Portuguese or in English, Spanish or French. Additionally, all entrants must provide the festival with a script in English, Spanish or French. (Exceptions are possible.)
- The materials submitted for selection will not be returned.
How to enter?
Please send your film (DVD) together with a signed entry form to the festival’s office address:
Urânio Em Movi(e)mentoc/o Márcia Gomes de Oliveira
Rua Monte Alegre 356 – Apt. 301
Rio de Janeiro / RJ – Brazil
CEP 20240-190
All the costs of transportation and insurance must be paid by the entrant.
Please note that the mail should be marked “For Festival Screening Only”, “No Value or less than 10 US $”.