The FRANKfurtstyleaward is anticipating its 10th Anniversary with the motto “Modern Reality”.
The International Talent Contest for Fashion & Design is one of the world’s most established global fashion contests for students and offers up and coming designers a significant career platform as well as a marketing and network platform for the participating schools.
Among an international audience of decision-makers from the worlds of fashion, culture, business and society, the young talents have the chance to win the highest prize of the competition, FRANK® – THE TROPHY, as well as scholarships to the renowned Haute Future Fashion Academy in Milan, internships at fashion labels and attractive non-cash prizes.
The FRANKfurtstyleaward intends to intellectually challenge young talents worldwide. The three categories “#working”, “#sporting” and “#dating” offer inspiration for innovative and creative ideas.
The TOP60 finalists will be nominated and invited to the glamorous Award Gala in Frankfurt, September 2017. Each year the outstanding creative achievements of the 60 finalists are also merged into a TOP60 Collection, which enchants exhibitors and visitors alike at leading trade fairs for fashion, art and culture in Berlin, Paris, Shanghai and New York.
Students worldwide are invited to follow the Call for Entry 2017 and to submit their creative and innovative ideas. Applications may be submitted online at