As a joint venture between the Free Software Foundation, the Creative Commons, Mozilla, and, the Liberated Pixel Cup is a two-part competition for making a bunch of awesome free culture licensed artwork, and then programing a bunch of free software games that use it.
Anyone may enter either or both phases of the contest. Entrants may be either single individuals or teams.
Cash prizes will be provided from donations, for both stages of the competition.
Make Free Culture Licensed Artwork + Program Free Software Games that Use It
When the competition begins, artists will be asked to make artwork that matches this existing style and upload to under the forementioned licenses. Winners will be selected on judgements of quality, how well they match the style guide, etc. Phase one runs from 1st June thru 30th June 2012.
Phase two of this competition will be building GPLv3 or later games that incorporate artwork from the artwork building phase of the project. People can work in teams or individually. Participants will be judged based on fun factor, innovativeness, and of course how well they incorporate assets built for the contest. Phase two runs from 1st July thru 31st July 2012.
The competition is currently accepting donations, which will be used to commission art and to fund cash prizes.
Make sure you visit the official website for further info and specific guidelines.